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Theory Roulette: Choosing that Climate Change is not a Tragedy of the Commons

2023 Environmental Values
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Evolution, Lineages and Human Kinds: on the requirements of evolutionary social constructivism

Fifth conference of the East European Network for Philosophy of Science. September 2024
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Models as Memes: Understanding and Hedging Performativity in Science

Third INEM Lake Como Philosophy of Economics Summer School. June 2024
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Of Opaque Oracles: Epistemic Dependence on AI in Science Poses No Novel Problems for Social Epistemology

Tenth Biennial SPSP. Cancelled. Scheduled for May 2024
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Theory Roulette: Choosing that Climate Change is not a Tragedy of the Commons March 2022
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Theory Roulette: Choosing that Climate Change is not a Tragedy of the Commons

LSE-UBT Student Conference. May 2021
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I have been reviewing for the following journals.